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COVID-19 in Italy: A Week Later

Annex Sociology Podcast
Annex Sociology Podcast
COVID-19 in Italy: A Week Later

In last week’s episode, we spoke with two Italy-based colleagues about what they were seeing on the ground at the epicenter of the Italian COVID19 outbreak. In today’s episode, we check on them a week later to see what has developed.

Alex Kentikelenis is Assistant Professor of Sociology at  Bucconi University. He has a long and impressive list of publications on international organization and political economy. Most recently, ” “The Making of Neoliberal Globalization: Norm Substitution and the Politics of Clandestine Institutional Change” in the American Journal of Sociology.

Gabor Scheiring is a Postdoc at Bucconi. He is a Hungarian economist and politician. In addition to his impressive publication record, he is also a former member of the Hungarian Parliament.


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