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Professional Wrestling

Annex Sociology Podcast
Annex Sociology Podcast
Professional Wrestling

Today, The Annex delves into the world of professional wrestling with R. Tyson Smith, a sociologist at the University of Pennsylvania and author of Fighting for Recognition: Identity, Masculinity, and the Act of Violence in Professional Wrestling (Duke University Press).

We have two great co-hosts. Patrick Reilly is a sociologist at the Paul Merage School of Business University of California, Irvine. He is a media sociologist, author of “No Laughter Among Thieves” in the American Sociological Review, and a part-time independent wrestling announcer in California.

Timothy Gill is a sociologist at the University of North Carolina, Wilmington. Tim is an expert on Venezuelan politics, recently published The Future of U.S. Empire in the Americas: The Trump Administration and Beyond with Routledge, and is a former wrestler.

Photo Credits

“Pro Wrestling LIVE! Campaign Materials” by Lindsey Ward is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 

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