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Teaching Online (Rafalow, Medley-Rath & Silva)

Annex Sociology Podcast
Annex Sociology Podcast
Teaching Online (Rafalow, Medley-Rath & Silva)

The COVID-19 crisis thrust the academy into teaching online. In this episode, we talk to three colleagues with expertise in online pedagogy.

Matthew Rafalow is a social scientist at Google who earned his doctorate in sociology at the University of California, Irvine. He is an ethnographer who specializes in human-machine interactions, and currently leads a research program on streaming experiences at Google.

Stephanie Medley-Rath is an Assistant Professor of Sociology at the Indiana University Kokomo, and is incoming Chair of the ASA’s Section of Teaching and Learning in Sociology.

Derek Silva is an Assistant Professor of Criminology at King’s University College. He has a forthcoming article in Teaching Sociology on the use of podcasts in pedagogy, and hosts the podcast What’s That Noise?

Photo Credit

By Blackboard Inc. – Own work, Public Domain, Link

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