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Unrest in Sudan (Aliza Luft)

Annex Sociology Podcast
Annex Sociology Podcast
Unrest in Sudan (Aliza Luft)

A discussion about political upheaval and the ouster of Omar al-Bashir in Sudan.


Neda Magbouleh is an Assistant Professor of Sociology from the University of Toronto. She wrote The Limits of Whiteness: Iranian Americans and the Everyday Politics of Race (2017, Stanford). Click here to hear other segments featuring Neda.

Clayton Childress is an Assistant Professor of Sociology from the University of Toronto. He wrote Under the Cover: The Creation, Production, and Reception of a Novel (2017 Princeton). Click here to hear other segments featuring Clayton.

James R. Jones is an Assistant Professor of African American and African Studies from Rutgers University, Newark. He recently published “Racing through the Halls of Congress: The ‘Black Nod’ as an Adaptive Strategy for Surviving in a Raced Institution.” in the DuBois Reivew. Click here to hear other segments featuring James.

Aliza Luft is an Assistant Professor of Sociology from the University of California, Los Angeles. She recently published “Toward a Dynamic Theory of Action at the Micro-Level of Genocide: Killing, Desistance, and Saving in 1994 Rwanda.” in Sociological Theory. Click here to hear other segments featuring Aliza.


By taken during the official visit of US Rep. Frank Wolf, Public Domain, Link

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